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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Frequently Asked Questions

    At Cigna Healthcare, we value every interaction. Reach out to us to address your inquires, feedback or concerns. Our dedicated team is here to assist you promptly and effectively.

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    Frequently Asked Questions


    Is employer health insurance enough?

    Employer insurance may only cover basic inpatient and day-patient treatments, as required for compliance and which also may vary from company to company. However, if needed, employees may enhance their healthcare by buying private individual or family health insurance from Cigna. Cigna offers comprehensive cover at specialized facilities, along with critical pre-hospitalization and post-hospitalization services. For more information, please visit our Individuals and Family health insurance sections.

    How to choose health insurance for small businesses?

    Small businesses must consider factors such as industry-risk level, exposure to chemicals, level of stress at work, the nationality of the employees and whether they have access to healthcare in their countries (or not), and ease of service, to select the optimal group health insurance.

    Do employers have to provide health insurance?

    Yes, all companies in Dubai and Abu Dhabi must provide health insurance to their employees by law.

    How many employees do you need for group health insurance?

    You need at least one more employee other than the owner to qualify to get group health insurance.

    Why should you invest in quality health insurance for your employees?

    Employees are like the pillars of a company, so ensuring their well-being should be the primary focus of the employer. Healthier employees are more productive in the workplace, so providing quality healthcare solutions means improved performance and reduced absenteeism. Quality health plans are vital to attracting the right talent for business and also help retain employees.
    Cigna provides flexible, comprehensive, and cost-effective coverage for all companies, however big or small they are. Our plans offer great value on health insurance for you and your employees.

    Why does employee wellness matters?

    Research has shown that employees who maintain good health habits are happier and more productive. When offered through the workplace, wellness programmes can increase employee loyalty and retention. In short, wellness is a win-win for all.

    How do I choose a health insurance plan for a small business?

    It does pay off to investigate a little when you are selecting a health insurance plan. You must consider the factors of cost, coverage, and benefit.

    • Check the pre-existing conditions coverage in the plan
    • Ensure the plan offers an adequate network offering cashless treatment
    • Check the maternity clause and waiting period
    • Look for pre-hospitalization and post-hospitalization facilities


    • Ensure that digital facilities like online claims submissions are available
    • Get an insurance plan with 24/7 customer service channels
    • Make sure a dedicated client management team is available
    • Check if there is support for employees’ mental wellbeing as well
    What are the additional health insurance benefits that Cigna offers?

    Some of the additional wellness benefits that are offered by Cigna medical insurance plans in UAE are:

    • Access to the Wellbeing Apps
    • Access to Telehealth services
    • Access to live and 500+ streaming classes through the LVL
    • Online health and wellbeing assessments
    • Onsite wellness seminars
    • International Employee Assistance Program
    • Case management
    • Chronic condition management
    • In-hospital nurse case management
    • Decision support program
    • Global and Local Capabilities
    • Clinical Care Support
    What servicing support do these plans come with?

    All plans come equipped with Cigna Envoy, our global servicing platform that allows employees to:

    • Find a doctor
    • Get reimbursed on your claims by taking a picture via the app
    • Contact us
    What is the Employee Assistance Program?

    Employee Assistance Program is a feature through which employees can opt for telephonic or face-to-face counselling for a range of personal topics. These discussions are confidential, and they can be related to topics such as:

    • Surviving the loss of a loved one
    • Managing anxiety and depression
    • Managing workplace pressure
    • Couples’ support
    • Maintaining work-life balance, and more
    What wellness programs does Cigna offer?

    Cigna offers the following wellness programs that you can add in your plans:

    Employee Assistance Program*

    Cigna provides confidential, telephonic, or face-to-face counselling for your employees & their dependents for a range of personal topics such as finances, couple’s support, stress, anxiety, and depression.

    * Optional, based on Employer’s choice

    Routine Adult Physical Examinations*

    Through this coverage option you can check-in on yourself and your family through a routine physical examination with a general or specialist physician

    *Terms and Conditions Apply.

    On-Site and Virtual Seminars

    You can include this program to educate employees on a wide range of health topics - from managing diabetes and heart disease conditions to developing better sleep habits and managing stress.

    What can Cigna Envoy be used for?

    Cigna Envoy is our digital self-service platform/app that members can use to easily manage their healthcare needs. From finding local healthcare specialists to submitting claims, Cigna Envoy provides you with all the information you need at your fingertips.

    With Cigna Envoy, you can enjoy the following features:

    1. Assess my Health (access to Wellbeing Tests)
    2. Online Health Library of useful wellbeing articles
    3. Smart Tools
    4. Wellbeing programs focused on improving focus, reducing stress, and helping you improve your nutrition and quality of sleep
    What are the eligibility criteria to buy group health insurance plans?

    Each health insurance plan has different eligibility criteria for companies to apply for group health insurance. For SmartCare by Cigna, a company needs to have at least 10 lives for a quote, whereas for Globalcare Flexible, a company needs to have at least 2 lives. To know more, you can contact the Cigna Sales team.

    Is medical insurance mandatory for employees in UAE?

    The UAE is known for its quality healthcare facilities as they have some of the finest healthcare systems and infrastructure in the world. According to the law, all Emiratis and Dubai expats, along with their dependents, are required to have compulsory health insurance.

    Is it compulsory for employer to provide health insurance to employee in UAE?

    While not all the Emirates in the UAE have made it compulsory by law for companies to offer health insurance coverage to the employees, Dubai and Abu Dhabi have made it mandatory for companies to provide medical insurance to employees and their dependents. However, there may be certain clauses.
    In the northern part of the UAE, it is not mandatory by law for the employers to provide medical insurance to the employees and/or their dependants. Also, the companies may decide to change the policies for medical insurance.

    Is Employee health insurance mandatory in Saudi Arabia?

    The General Secretariat of the Council of Cooperative Health Insurance (CCHI) has made it mandatory for private employers to provide employees with health insurance in Saudi Arabia. Health insurance plans offered to employees should also include coverage for all family members, including all wives, unmarried and non-working daughters, and all male children up to 25 years of age. Employers who wish to buy health insurance policies in Saudi Arabia can look at Cigna to arrange through our partner insurance KSA plan that offers comprehensive coverage options and benefits.

    What does health Insurance cover in Saudi Arabia?

    There are several health insurance companies in Saudi Arabia. However, if you want efficient health insurance in Saudi Arabia for your employees, you may want to check the coverage options offered and the price of the plans. Saudi Arabia health insurance companies will offer standard coverage options such as,

    • Inpatient and daycare treatment
    • Outpatient cover
    • Maternity
    • Medical consultation
    • Prescriptions and diagnostic lab tests
    • In-network hospital admission
    • Surgeries
    Do you need health insurance in Saudi Arabia?

    To get access to the best and cost-effective healthcare treatments and facilities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a health insurance plan is important. Moreover, everyone in Saudi Arabia needs to have mandatory health insurance. This includes employers and employees, spouses as well as family members of employees. Even expats in Saudi Arabia need to have medical insurance. Without proof of insurance, expats will not be able to receive their work or residency permit.

    How does health insurance work in Saudi Arabia?

    Typically, as an expat, your employer is likely to provide medical insurance for you and/or your family. However, employer-provided medical insurance in Saudi Arabia may provide only basic care. Some treatments and healthcare services may also work on a co-payment system. So, you may be liable to pay out of your pocket to avail certain treatments or care. It is best to check the Saudi health insurance policy to know what coverage your employer offers.

    How to build a Health Insurance plan in Lebanon according to one's needs?

    You can build a health insurance plan according to your employees’ needs in three easy steps, as mentioned below:
    Step 1. Decide the Area of Cover
    Step 2. Decide the Network
    Step 3. Choose from a set list of benefits

    How is healthcare system in Qatar?

    Qatar has invested significantly and developed its medical infrastructure to offer one of the best healthcare facilities in the Middle East. Qatar offers a range of quality healthcare solutions ranging from cutting-edge technologies to hospitals specializing in women’s healthcare. Employees can access healthcare benefits through health insurance companies in Qatar. To get quality health insurance in Qatar, check out Cigna medical insurance plans.

    How is healthcare system in Bahrain?

    The healthcare system in Bahrain is one of the most advanced in the Middle East region and offers state-of-the-art healthcare facilities to its citizens. Since 1960, the government of Bahrain has been providing comprehensive healthcare. Healthcare services can be accessed via efficient health insurance companies in Bahrain.

    Is health insurance mandatory in Bahrain?

    Effective January 1, 2019, Bahrain has mandated a health insurance law that provides insurance-based public and private medical coverage to nationals, residents, and expatriate workers. For Bahraini nationals, the Bahrain government bears the coverage cost of medical treatments. However, individuals who choose to use private health services will have to bear a percentage of the medical costs.

    How is healthcare system in Kuwait?

    The public healthcare system in Kuwait functions via the Ministry of Health (MoH). As of 2011, citizens and expats can access affordable and the best healthcare facilities via health insurance companies in Kuwait. Kuwait also has several specialized medical facilities that cater to the healthcare needs for specific health problems of a person.

    Is health insurance mandatory in Kuwait?

    Healthcare services in Kuwait through the healthcare public sector are free for Kuwaiti and GCC nationals. However, health insurance is mandatory for all expatriates in Kuwait.

    How is healthcare system in Oman?

    The Ministry of Health has also driven the initiative of establishing over 200+ healthcare units across Oman. There are also various medical clinics, hospitals, and pharmacies offering the best healthcare solutions that are accessible by both nationals and expatriates. For employees who are not covered with a health insurance plan by their employers and are looking for the health insurance in Oman, they can check out the wide range of medical health insurance plans offered by Cigna at affordable costs.

    Is it mandatory to have health insurance in Oman?

    The Sultanate of Oman mandates that all residents are required to have at least a minimum level of medical insurance coverage with minimum benefits (pursuant to the prescribed provisions of Resolution No. 34 of 2019). To get quality health insurance for expats in Oman, you can check out Cigna.

    What are the additional support offered in Oman?

    The plans offer round-the-clock assistance and services to the members. It also provides,

    • Doctor & Nurse led pre-approval team
    • Clinical team to support Care Management, Decision Support & Provider Claims Review
    • Travel/Visa Insurance Certificates
    • Answers to benefit/claim- related queries
    • Customer Service that offers end-to-end support 24/7
    • One-card Solution in the GCC
    How many employees do you need for Globalcare Flexible?

    Globalcare Flexible requires a minimum of 2 lives.

    How do I know which plan will suit me - Smartcare by Cigna or Globalcare Flexible?

    Both SmartCare by Cigna and Globalcare Flexible are for SMEs in the Middle East region. Smartcare by Cigna offers value on regional and international SME health insurance – including optional healthcare cover in employees’ home countries (excluding USA). It is serviced by Neuron, a leading TPA in the UAE.
    Globalcare Flexible offers Cigna’s world-renowned healthcare plans for employees and provides cover anywhere from ‘within the GCC’ to around the world.

    What coverage options can Smartcare by Cigna provide for my team?

    There are multiple options for maximum annual cover, co-insurance, and more that you can choose for your team. You can also make your SmartCare insurance plan more beneficial by picking add-ons such as vision, dental, and wellbeing coverage options, among others.

    Does Globalcare plan provide maternity benefits?

    Cigna Globalcare medical insurance offers maternity services to its members. Some of the maternity benefits that members can avail are:

    • Routine in-patient benefits
    • Routine out-patient benefits
    • Complications of pregnancy and childbirth
    • Legal Abortion

    Please note: Terms and conditions may apply for a few benefits

    What area of cover does Business Select plan offer?

    Business Select health insurance in Lebanon offers 4 areas of cover, as mentioned below:
    Area 1: Worldwide (including Caribbean)
    Area 2: Worldwide (excluding USA, Canada, and Caribbean)
    Area 4: Middle East, North Africa, Indian Sub-Continent & Southeast Asia
    Area 5: Lebanon only

    How to build your Business Select plan?

    You can build a Cigna Business Select health insurance plan according to you and your employees’ needs in three easy steps, as mentioned below:
    Step 1. Decide the Area of Cover
    Step 2. Decide the Network
    Step 3. Choose from the Set List of Benefits

    What type of service support do Business Select plan have?

    All plans come equipped with Cigna Envoy, our digital servicing platform that allows employers and their employees to:

    • Find a provider
    • Get reimbursed for claims by taking a picture via the app
    • Contact us
    Do Business Select plans provide maternity cover?

    Cigna Business Select medical insurance in Lebanon offers optional maternity services to its members. However, there may be a maximum coverage limit for some of the benefits. Some of the maternity benefits that members can avail are:

    • Routine in-patient benefits
    • Routine out-patient benefits
    • Complications of pregnancy and childbirth
    • Newborn Care
    How to calculate employee health insurance premiums?

    Factors such as the average age of the employees, the extent of coverage of the employee or their families, and add-ons like dental treatment, health checkups and more determine the cost of employee or group health insurance.

    Can employers see when you use health insurance?

    Yes, employers can keep track of the insurance usage of their employees as they have monitoring controls. Cigna Insurance provides a 360-degree view of all employee plans, usage and claims through our signature Cigna Envoy platform.

    To know more about the benefits of Cigna Envoy, visit our Cigna Envoy page

    Can my employer see my health insurance claims?

    Yes, Cigna Insurance allows complete monitoring of all employee plans, usage and claims. The Cigna Envoy site provides an easy to access monitoring platform to view and modify any element of the plan.

    To know more about the benefits of Cigna Envoy, visit our Cigna Envoy page.

    Does Cigna provide flexibility in how premiums are paid?

    Yes, Cigna billing allows you the flexibility of paying on monthly, quarterly, or annual basis.

    What does Clinical Care team do?

    Our Clinical Care team is here to protect your employees and improve their health outcomes. Our Clinical Care team works with four missions in mind:

    • Making the most of your healthcare spend
    • Ensuring employees get the best possible care
    • Overseeing treatment plans to prevent waste and abuse
    • Driving better health outcomes
    How to check your health insurance coverage online using cigna envoy?

    As a Cigna member, you just have to sign into your Cigna Envoy page. All your information will be displayed on your dashboard. To know more about the benefits of Cigna Envoy, visit our Cigna Envoy page.

    Individuals and Families

    How can I get health insurance for my parents?

    While companies in most countries of the UAE are mandated to provide insurance for the employees and sometimes their dependants, you may also opt to cover your family with enhanced benefits yourself. Cigna family health insurance plans offer a range of benefits such as in-patient and out-patient treatments, maternity care, mental healthcare, etc., to take care of you and your family.

    How to get health insurance for my child?

    Children are covered in family insurance plans, which would be more cost-effective than covering minors separately. Children’s health insurance should cover dental, vision and other expected healthcare elements of childhood.

    How to choose health insurance for parents?

    Choosing health insurance for parents is more cost-effective when taken as part of the extended family insurance plan than separate individual plans. The plan should ideally have room to accommodate existing or chronic conditions and other benefits that will help you take care of your parents. Cigna Healthguard offers great benefits, such as the Life Management Assistance programme, providing you with the required assistance for taking care of your parents and loved ones.

    How does individual or family health insurance plan work?

    Depending on the selected health insurance in UAE for individuals and families, a fixed annual coverage amount will be provided which can be utilized to avail medical treatments and services. If you wish to get additional coverage options, you can choose from the provided add-ons at an extra cost. Individuals and family members can get treated at a network hospital via a cashless facility and avail the necessary medical treatment without having to pay from the pocket (up to the maximum sum assured). However, if you or your family members need to avail medical treatment outside a network hospital, the treatment cost can be reimbursed after filing a claim and submitting the necessary medical bills to the health insurance company.

    Which Healthguard plan is right for me?

    Our Cigna Healthguard plans offer three levels of flexible cover that you can choose from based on the region and your budget. You can choose from Regional, International and International Plus plans. Pick a suitable plan, depending on whether you want regional or global coverage, the annual medical coverage, and whether you would want any additional coverage. Contact Cigna to get a quote today and tailor the health insurance plans in UAE accordingly.

    How to customize your Cigna Healthguard plan?

    To customize your Cigna Healthguard plan, choose your desired area of coverage. You can opt for a regional plan (Healthguard Regional plan) or an international plan (Healthguard International plan or Healthguard International Plus plan). Each of these plans are designed with different coverage options and benefits. The plans are segregated into four different network tiers – General, General Plus, Comprehensive excluding AHD and Comprehensive. You can then choose one of the optional modules (Healthy Connect optional module or Mother and Baby Care optional module), if needed. Find the basic list of the more commonly used facilities here.

    How can Cigna Healthguard support me if I am diagnosed with a medical condition?

    All our customers have access to our Clinical Case Management programme which provides personalised support and assistance from our dedicated doctors and nurses when you are diagnosed with a condition requiring special support. Also, as part of this programme, you have access to our Chronic Condition programme to help you better understand, manage, and improve your condition, and our Decision Support programme which gives you access to global medical experts for advice on your individual diagnosis and treatment plan.

    Is maternity covered under the Cigna Essential Benefit Plan?

    Yes, maternity is covered under the Cigna Essential Benefit Plan and as per the DHA minimum benefits requirements. As part of your application, you must answer questions relating to your pregnancy status. The answers to these questions may impact the premium charged and failure to provide accurate answers may result in future claims being denied.

    How many medical facilities are included in my network?

    Your Cigna Essential Benefits Plan network is called Value Lite. There are over 250 Hospitals & Clinics and over 500 Pharmacies. For access to our full network list, please click here (Please note that the network list is subject to change).

    What are the documents required to submit for an individual or family health insurance plan?

    Some of the documents that are required for health insurance in UAE for individuals and families are:

    • Proofs of identity, age, and address (in case of family health insurance plan, the proofs of all the members might be required)
    • Income proof of the policyholder
    • The proposal form/application form
    • Reports of medical tests (applicable in some cases)
    Do my benefits include a co-insurance?

    The Cigna Essential Benefit Plan is a compliant plan based on the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) minimum benefit requirements. Your benefits will include a co-insurance and/or limit on certain benefits.


    What wellbeing programs does Cigna offer for government employees?

    With Cigna, your residents have a holistic health and wellbeing solution with them. Through their mobile phones, they can receive care, access wellbeing content, and more. These services are complimentary and available 24/7. They include:

    • Virtual, anytime doctor’s appointments by video or phone
    • Free counseling sessions through the Employee Assistance Program
    • 5,000+ on-demand fitness and wellness classes from one of Dubai’s premier fitness studios.
    What are the add-on covers offered by Cigna for government representatives?

    Cigna’s medical insurance plans for Governments are designed to meet the needs of your residents and are adaptable to suit every scenario and provide quality healthcare for global travellers. Government representatives can opt for additional add-on coverages, such as vision, dental and wellbeing benefits.

    General FAQs

    How does health insurance work?

    Health insurance is a service that you pay for, to cover the costs of any kind of treatment for injury or illness, across a network of hospitals and healthcare facilities. You may take a health plan yourself or be covered by your company’s insurance plan. The plan is purchased by paying monthly premiums, which correspond to the amount you are covered for.

    How can I pick the best Health Insurance Plan?

    Select the healthcare insurance plan that is right for you. This will vary depending on your age (pay for higher coverage as you get older), individual or family, living in your country of origin or as an expatriate (needing repatriation facilities and guest visitations).

    What happens if I don’t have health insurance?

    With the rising costs of good medical care, it is prudent to have some form of health insurance that will guarantee expert care without affecting your pocket. At Cigna, we also go beyond offering comprehensive cover for any treatment, to proactive health management and support. We have also made it easy for you to find good healthcare near you through a handy app.

    Why do I need health insurance?

    A health insurance plan is an essential need for everyone. Illnesses and medical emergencies can put a burden on your finances. When you have a flexible health insurance plan that offers comprehensive coverage options, you can access a wide variety of healthcare facilities and services without paying the full cost of your medical bills.

    A health insurance plan provides access to a wide network of participating doctors, specialists, other healthcare practitioners at reasonable prices. It also covers the costs of medical expenses for covered dependants.

    What to look for when buying a health insurance plan?

    It does pay off to investigate a little when selecting a health insurance plan. It helps you consider the differing cost, coverage, and benefit factors.

    • Ensure the cost of premiums are within your budget
    • Balance the cost of premiums against possible treatment costs
    • Understand the co-payment amount you would have to pay


    • Check the pre-existing conditions coverage in the plan
    • Ensure the plan offers an adequate network offering cashless treatment
    • Check the maternity clause and waiting period
    • Look for pre-hospitalization and post-hospitalization facilities


    • Ensure basic modern facilities like online claims submissions
    • Get access to insurance with 24/7 customer care
    What does Cigna Insurance Middle East cover?

    Cigna Insurance Middle East offers flexible plans to suit different budgets and regions. However, all include in-patient treatment, day-patient treatment, prescription drugs, basic maternity care, cancer care, mental health support and more. Examine the list of benefits carefully to ensure that you have selected a plan that is just right for you.

    Why should one choose Cigna Insurance in Middle East?

    Cigna Insurance in Middle East offers well-designed and locally compliant plans for individuals, families, businesses, and government. These plans can also be customized to suit the unique healthcare requirements of customers. Apart from these, we also have the following:

    • A strong team, dedicated to servicing the ME business. These include customer service, claims reimbursement and operations to offer greater care to our members in the region.
    • Over 1.6 million satisfied customers in the Middle East
    • 5000+ local network of providers in the region, with 3000+ providers in the UAE
    What is covered in Health Insurance?

    Cigna health insurance offers flexible plans to suit different budgets or regions. However, all the plans have common services that include in-patient treatment, day-patient treatment, and across costs of surgery, prescriptive drugs, basic maternity care, cancer care, mental health care and sometimes dental.

    Examine the list of benefits carefully to ensure that you have selected a plan that is just right for you.

    How to check your medical insurance coverage with your emirates id?

    You may use your Emirates ID (EID), provided to you by Cigna, to check the healthcare benefits covered under your health insurance plan.

    How to file a health insurance claim?

    We have simplified the process of submitting health insurance claims. Just log in to your Cigna Envoy account through any device, click on the ‘My Claims’ tab and follow the steps given there to successfully submit a claim.

    What is deductible in health insurance?

    The deductible is the amount you pay from your own pocket before the remaining is covered (partly or in whole) by the insurance provider.

    How much does short term health insurance cost?

    The costs of short-term health insurance are higher than regular insurance, as the premiums are only valid for up to a year.

    How are health insurance premiums calculated?

    Premiums for health insurance plans depend primarily on your age when you buy the insurance or the age of the oldest member of your family in case of family insurance. The older you are, the more costly it gets. It also is determined by other health-risk factors like smoking, cardiovascular condition, family history etc.

    What is coinsurance in health insurance?

    Co-insurance is also known as co-payment. It is the amount that the insured pays from the pocket, as a pre-determined percentage of the total costs borne by the insurance provider.

    Who is MedNet?

    MedNet is a leading Third-Party Administrator (TPA) that Cigna has partnered with in Oman. With experience spanning more than two decades, and with 80,000 customers in Oman, MedNet is well-positioned as leading managed care service organization, specialising in health risk management and offering direct billing services in the region.

    How to apply for health insurance online?

    You can leave your details with us, and a Cigna representative will get in touch with you along with the solutions you’re looking for. To know more, you can contact the Cigna Sales team.

    What is in-patient, day care, and out-patient treatment?

    In-patient Treatment: Treatment at a hospital where the member has to stay in a hospital bed for one night or more, depending on the medical condition.
    Day care Treatment: Treatment at a hospital day-care unit, or out-patient clinic where the member requires a procedure, eligible for benefit, necessitating admission to a hospital bed but not requiring an overnight stay.
    Out-patient Treatment: Treatment given by a medical practitioner at an out-patient clinic, a medical practitioner’s consulting room or in a hospital where the member is not admitted to a bed.

    What is meant by emergency treatment?

    An Emergency is defined as the sudden onset of an illness, injury or medical condition manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity (including severe pain) requiring immediate and unscheduled medical care, and if left untreated, could result in placing the person’s life and/or health in serious jeopardy; serious impairment to bodily functions; serious dysfunction of a bodily organ or part; serious disfigurement; or in the case of a pregnant woman, serious jeopardy to the health of the foetus. It is the Emergency medical condition of the patient, not the diagnosis, which drives the necessity for immediate treatment. Symptoms must be sufficiently severe to cause the patient to seek immediate medical aid.

    What are co-insurance and deductible?

    If an employee health insurance plan has co-insurance, members might have to pay a certain percentage of the treatment cost. This amount will depend on:

    • The Co-insurance percentage for all Out-Patient services as mentioned on the ID Card
    • Whether a member visited an In-Network Provider on a Direct Billing basis or an Out-of-Network Provider on a Pay-and-Claim basis in an Emergency

    On the other hand, a deductible is a fixed amount that you need to pay when you visit a doctor for a consultation.

    *Please check with your insurance provider to know more about the group medical insurance plan details and if there are additional co-insurances that may be applicable

    Who is LVL?

    LVL is a holistic platform that provides employees with mental and physical wellbeing services and helps create a better workplace. The platform believes in creating a comprehensive approach toward promoting employee wellness and engagement via uniquely curated wellbeing and fitness content. With many exciting benefits, LVL aims to empower employees and boost mental and physical health, happiness, and productivity.

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    Explore health insurance plans for businesses (Large corporates, small & medium enterprises)

    Cigna Healthcare Middle East provides tailored, flexible, and comprehensive health care solutions designed for large corporations and SMEs. Our locally compliant group health insurance plans ensure that your business’s and employees' health care requirements are fully met.

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    Apply for individuals & families health insurance

    Cigna Healthcare offers individual and family medical insurance plans that provide world-class benefits and quality care for you and your loved ones. With comprehensive international coverage and a trusted network of local hospitals, clinics, and doctors, our plans ensure you and your family receive 24/7 customer care and reliable health care services.

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    Discover health insurance plans tailored for government organizations

    Government health insurance plans by Cigna Healthcare deliver quality health care and peace of mind for citizens living or traveling abroad. Our plans ensure that they receive the best possible care worldwide.

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    Whether you wish to speak to our sales team or get general help if you are an existing Cigna member, we can get you to the right information.

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    © 2025 Cigna Healthcare. All rights reserved.

    Cigna Healthcare and Cigna HealthcareSM (Cigna Healthcare) are registered service marks of The Cigna Group and/or one of more of its subsidiaries. Products and services are provided by these subsidiaries, affiliates and other contracted companies and not by The Cigna Group. The material provided herein is provided for information purposes only and is believed accurate as of the date of publication, and is subject to change. This material should not be relied upon as legal advice. Products and services may not be available in all jurisdictions and are expressly excluded where prohibited by applicable law. The material provided herein is only a general description of benefits. Please consult your policy booklet or contact Cigna Healthcare for a complete listing of policy coverage and applicable exclusions and limitations. Cigna Healthcare does not provide medical care and cannot predict medical outcomes.